Time to store the data. Being able to sense the temperature it's just the first step, storing and plotting the resulting data is the power, muhahaha, muhahaha
Storage backend
I will use MySql database, it's easy to use and to installChoose a python module to access MySql database
I will use MySQL-Python because it supports python dbapi, that guarantees a common interface to access any database from python, so if in the future I change my mind and decided to use PostgreSQL database, the code to access it will be deSteps to install it in debian
- apt-get install python-mysqldb
Python code
Class to access mysql database
import MySQLdb import serial import time class mysqlDB: def __init__(self, dbName, user, password): """ Constructor """ self.cursor = None self.user = user self.password = password self.name = dbName self.connection = MySQLdb.connect( host='localhost', user=self.user, passwd=self.password, db=self.name ) def __del__(self): """ Destructor """ if self.cursor != None: self.cursor.close() if self.connection != None: self.connection.close() def Query(self, query, isSelect = True): if self.connection != None: self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() result = self.cursor.execute(query) if isSelect: return (self.cursor, self.cursor.fetchall()) else: self.connection.commit() else: return None def ReadTemperature(): try: serialPort = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0' , 115200, timeout=5) #print serialPort.portstr except serial.SerialException: return (-1,-1) # Read LM35 sum = 0 numSamples = 50 for i in range(numSamples): serialPort.write("s") line = serialPort.readline() #print line temperature = (5.0 * float(line) * 100.0)/1024.0; sum += temperature average1 = sum/numSamples #print "average:" + str(average) # Read DS1621 serialPort.write("r") line = serialPort.readline() average2 = float(line) * 0.5 serialPort.close() return (average1, average2) if __name__ == "__main__": (lm35Temp, ds1620Temp) = ReadTemperature() timestamp = time.time() db = mysqlDB("database", "user", "passwd") query = "insert into temperatureLog (timestamp, temperature, sensorId) values (%d,%f,%d);" % (timestamp, int(lm35Temp), 1) db.Query(query, False) query = "insert into temperatureLog (timestamp, temperature, sensorId) values (%d,%f,%d);" % (timestamp, ds1620Temp, 2) db.Query(query, False)
cron configuration
I will start storing one measurement per hour and then check if that's enough. To do so I will ask for help to the cron.- Create a readTemperature bash script invoking the python script
- chmod 755 readTemperature
- cp readTemperature /etc/cron.hourly/
#!/bin/bash python /home/user/crondScripts/readTemperature.py
cron configuration (2)
I finally decided to store one measurement each 15min, to do so, I cheated a bit, I'm sure this is not the best way to do it, so fell free to give me feedback- Check that readTemperature is the only one script in /etc/cron.hourly
- Edit /etc/crontab and modify the hourly configuration
- Set hourly configuration to
*/15 * * * * root cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly
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